For women looking for a safe, effective treatment option for feminine suppositories yeast infections, vaginal dryness, or other symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, feminine suppositories may be the answer. They’re a convenient, discreet way to receive medication, and they often offer faster relief and fewer side effects than oral medications.
How Do Suppositories Work?
A suppository is a solid medicine that gets inserted into the body, usually in the vagina. It melts inside the body and gets absorbed into the bloodstream, where it can deliver its medication to the area it’s designed to treat.
Some suppositories, like vaginal yeast infection suppositories, work quickly to relieve symptoms of these conditions, but others can take longer. That’s because each type has its own chemical makeup and size, which will affect how long it takes to work.
The Ins and Outs of Feminine Suppositories: Uses, Types, and Benefits
To give yourself or a loved one a suppository, follow these simple instructions: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, then use your fingers to gently insert the suppository into your vagina. You can also use a suppository applicator, which is typically provided with the suppository.
Suppositories can be difficult to place in your vagina, so it’s important to be patient and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. If you’re having trouble placing the suppository, talk to your doctor or pharmacist for help. They’re also able to provide additional guidance about how best to use the suppository, such as how long it will take to dissolve.