Livestreaming software lets you broadcast your content and share it with audiences around the world in real time. Some streaming solutions are free to use, while others are more feature-rich and charge for their services. Choosing the right streaming solution can improve your video quality and help you stand out from the crowd.
Does YouTube pay for live streaming?
To live stream video, you need to connect your camera and sound equipment to an encoder on your computer or mobile device. The encoding software compresses the raw video to create an ideal file type for transmission over the internet. The encoding process removes redundancies in the video data, as well as its frame size and video bitrate.
Once the encoding process is complete, you can share your livestream with your audience. In most cases, this is done through a content delivery network (CDN) using RTMP.
CDNs cache (store) each segment of the live video feed and transmit it to viewers. This helps keep the livestream close to real-time, as it cuts down on round-trip time between the origin server and the viewer’s device.
When a user asks to watch the live stream, their device sends a request to a nearby CDN. The CDN then intercepts the request, caches each segment of the live video feed on its nearest server, and sends it out to the requested viewer.
Then, each user’s device decodes and decompresses this segmented video data, which it interprets as visual information. This process can take a few seconds for each segment.
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